
The Vanishing Wild.

Somos Arthouse LES PopUp
May-June 2024

This series of paintings honor the magnificent wild horses of the American West. After watching Ashley Avis’s heartbreaking documentary Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West, which exposes the barbaric and senseless round-up of these horses, I was compelled to make these pieces.

Through art making and continued advocacy, I intend to raise awareness of the desperate plight of the American wild horses of the West in Utah, California, Colorado, Wyoming, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon.

For more information,  #istandwithwildhorses

The RAIN series.

Rain enlivens the senses, evokes memory, and speaks to the birth-life-death-rebirth cycle.

This latest series, titled RAIN, expresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of rain.  

I did not plan this series of works, but rather as I began to paint and draw, these ideas emerged from the images. 

Puzzle, acrylic on canvas boards, 5"x40"

Puzzle, acrylic on canvas boards, 5”x40”

Wishful thinking, acrylic on wood, 8”x32”

Present, acrylic on wood, 10”x50”

Summer Days 1, acrylic on wood, 12”x60”

Branches 1, watercolor on paper

Pink Door, acrylic on wood, 8”x24”

Hide and Seek, acrylic on wood, 12”x60”

Roman Days, acrylic on wood, 8”x24”

Hopeful, acrylic on wood, 10”x50”

Summer Days 2, acrylic on wood, 12”x60”

Branches 2, watercolor on paper

Both Worlds in One, acrylic , oil sticks on board, 12”x36”

The Nectar, SOLD, acrylic on wood, 10”x20”

Follow the Orange, Gift to Somos Arthouse, acrylic on board, 12”x24”

HIDE AND SEEK,  acrylic on homasote board 12” x 60”

Small Panel on Board, acrylic on board, 6”x30”

Lavender, acrylic on board, 12”x36”
